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Snow Melt System

Increased Efficiency in a Snow Melt System Note: Installation instructions and illustrated drawings are recommendations only, while proper local construction methods are the responsibility of the installer. For the Do-It-Yourselfer,…

Radiant Floor – Wood Joists

…addition to an impressive R-21, the product provides a 96% reflectivity of radiant energy back into the system. The product has the added attraction of ease of handling and installation….

Radiant Floor – Concrete Slab

…for a Radiant Floor System installed in a Concrete Slab; our specially designed Concrete Slab Insulation product. The addition of this product into a Radiant Floor project will result in…

Pipe Wrap

…Reflectix® does not create fibers or dust that would require protective garments or a respirator. The rolls are a very friendly size and can easily be molded or cut to…

Garage Doors